- VINOGEO, Interactive 3D Map of the Côte d'Or Wine Region maps.vinogeo.fr/DOMAINES/LouisLatour/tour.html
- Louis Latour Agencies (UK) www.louislatour.co.uk
- Louis Latour Inc (USA) Burgundy & Beyond, Maison Louis Latour official tasting room and boutique in the United-States. www.burgundyandbeyond.com
- Maison Simonnet-Febvre Maison Simonnet-Febvre, based in Chablis since 1840 www.simonnet-febvre.com
Wine Exhibitions
- WINE PARIS - VINEXPO International Trade Fair for Wine & Spirits www.vinexpo.com
- ProWein Düsseldorf (Germany) International Trade Fair for Wine & Spirits www.prowein.de
- Le Grand Tasting (Paris) www.grandtasting.com
- London Wine Fair (UK) International Trade Fair for Wine & Spirits www.londonwinefair.com
Wine press
- Wine Spectator (USA) www.winespectator.com
- Wine Enthusiast (USA) www.wineenthusiast.com
- Burghound.com (USA) Allen Meadows www.burghound.com
- Decanter (UK) www.decanter.com
- Wine Advocate (USA) www.erobertparker.com
General information on the wines of Burgundy
- Consigne de tri www.consignesdetri.fr
- Info Calories info-calories-alcool.org
- Bureau Interprofessionnel des vins de Bourgogne (B.I.V.B.) Website of the Bourgogne Wine Board www.vins-bourgogne.fr
- Facebook Louis Latour www.facebook.com/LouisLatour1797
- Henokiens Association of family businesses and bicentenary companies www.henokiens.com
- Instagram Louis Latour www.instagram.com/LouisLatour1797
- Twitter Louis Latour www.twitter.com/LouisLatour1797
- Youtube Channel Louis Latour www.youtube.com/user/MaisonLouisLatour